Travels and other events

Impressions did not prevent the concentration for concerts. The echoing and loud vaults of the Basilica dela Merced and Santa Maria del Pi churches sang hymns and songs - Lithuanian, English, Catalan - a capella and accompanied by an organ, with which Dalia Jatautaitė masterfully and ingeniously (unexpectedly disconnected the mechanism controlling the dumples). And how uplifted was J. Gudavičius' "Where the forest grows green"! Apparently, its performance is directly influenced by the number of kilometers to Lithuania. The concerts proved that it was time to prepare the choir's CD and have at least a few of them on the trip, because the interested listeners must have been disappointed after the concert when asking for our choir's recordings, we could only regret...

Choir singer Gražina Dainauskienė

SALUTO have a lot of performances, around ten concerts every year, collaborating with various art groups, participating in competitions and festivals in Lithuania and abroad. Choir has performed in France (2008), Germany (2009), Russia (2010, 2014), the Czech Republic (2011), Spain (2012), Austria (2013), England (2015), Bulgaria (2018), Norway (2019), Latvia (2020) and Georgia, Sakartvel (2022).

Read more about our travel adventures and explore our thrills gallery - archive.


Stovykla „Mockynėje“ 2013

2013 metais laukė reikšmingi įvykiai: Aukso paukštės įteikimas, net du konkursai. Taigi, nusprendėme surengti pirmąją choro stovyklą sausio 26-27 d. Ilgai ieškojome tinkamos kaimo sodybos,


Čekijos grožis pakerėjo chorą „Saluto“

Kasmetė tradicija – vasarą pasisvečiuoti svetur – ir šiemet buvo išlaikyta. Gražios draugystės, užsimezgusios Kaune su čekų choru „Bizantion“ rezultatas – savaitės kelionė į Čekiją,
