Koncertas Šilutėje Hugo Šojaus garbei
2016 m. balandžio 3 d. „Saluto” koncertmeisterė ir visapusiška patarėja Dalia Jatautaitė pakvietė į jos gimtąjį miestą Šilutę koncertuoti. O progos buvo net dvi: Šilutės
During the 17 years of activity, the SALUTO Choir sang about 400 pieces, prepared over twenty concert programs:
"World Christmas Music (2007-2019)",
"Songs in Wings over the Centuries (2008)",
"Lithuanian Sacred Song in the Light of the 1000th" (2009),
“Beauštanti aušrelė” (2011) - to commemorate the 100th anniversary of M. K. Čiurlionis death,
“Dreams of Love” (2011),
„Ak, lietuvninkai, širdingi mano broleliai!” (2013), K.Donelaičio 300-ioms gimimo metinėms paminėti…
However, the most memorable in the choir's biography is the celebration of the choir's fifth anniversary in 2012. K. Jenkins' Armed Man: Mass for Peace with soloists, Kaunas City Symphony Orchestra and video installations was performed for the first time in Lithuania, performed twice - at the Kaunas State Philharmonic and Kaunas IX Fort.
The Fifteenth anniversary in 2022 in May, SALUTO celebrated with the piece "Misa a Buenos Aires" by the contemporary Argentinian composer Martin Palmeri, which is rarely performed in Lithuania, written for choir, soloist and instrumental accompaniment. The piece was performed in Šiauliai Polyphony Hall and Kaunas Philharmonic.
For its decade, the choir has agreed to a new program "Prasvydo" traveling around the world with songs (2017).
The choir is a winner of several international choir competitions:
In 2009 choir won the 2nd degree diploma and 3rd place in the 17th International S. Šimkus Choir Competition, the successful debut was marked with a special prize;
In 2010 received 3rd place in the 1st International Sacred Music Choir Competition "Laudate Dominum" in Vilnius.
In 2013 the choir was awarded the Golden Bird Award in the nomination "New Shining Star".
In the same year, choir won a 2nd degree diploma at the 19th International S. Šimkus Choir Competition, successfully participated in the Republican Adult Choir Competition and defended the category I title (awarded in 2009).
In 2014 choir won the 1st place in the international choir competition "Golden Cold Band" - awarded a gold diploma and a special prize for the best work by a Polish composer.
In 2015 choir won a gold diploma and 3rd place in the 1st International J. Naujalis Choir Competition.
In 2016 2nd place was taken in the VII International Choir Competition "Cracovia Cantans".
In 2017 SALUTO was awarded a first degree diploma in the Lithuanian adult choir competition.
In 2018 Silver diploma won at the IX International Krakow Advent and Christmas Music Festival.
in 2023 In the Lithuanian adult choir competition, he was awarded a first degree diploma, and in the same year, he received a silver diploma in the 6th International Choir Competition of the Patriarch of Lithuanian Music Juozas Naujalis.
12.07.2024 - At the international choir competition "Cantu Gaudeamus" in Bialystok, in the A category (mixed choirs) the Gold diploma was won (91.75 points). And in the C category (sacred music) - the Silver diploma (89.25 points).
2016 m. balandžio 3 d. „Saluto” koncertmeisterė ir visapusiška patarėja Dalia Jatautaitė pakvietė į jos gimtąjį miestą Šilutę koncertuoti. O progos buvo net dvi: Šilutės
Kauno mišrus choras „Saluto“ 2015-tuosius metus užbaigė kalėdiniais koncertais. Dalyvauta „Didžiajame Kalėdiniame Reviu” Kauno arkikatedroje bazilikoje (2015 m. gruodžio 27 d.), pristatyta kalėdinė programa „Ir
2015 m. balandžio 10 d. choras „Saluto“ dalyvavo I tarptautiniame J. Naujalio vardo chorų festivalyje – konkurse, skirtame Juozo Naujalio muzikos gimnazijos 70-mečiui. I-asis konkurso
Prie Širvėnos ežero, kurio vidury yra Meilės sala, stovi balta kaip nuotaka Biržų pilis. Joje Vasario 16-osios, Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo dienos proga, koncertavo ir savo
Išvakarėse parepetavę kalėdinės muzikos programą Kaune, 2014 m. gruodžio 27 d. dainavome Vilniaus Šv. Kryžiaus bažnyčioje I-me tarptautiniame kalėdinės muzikos festivalyje „Cantate Angeli”, kurio iniciatorius
Jau septintą kartą choras “Saluto” antrą Kalėdų dieną džiaugiasi kartu su kauniečiais, dovanodamas koncertą pamėgtoje Šv. Pranciškaus Ksavero (jėzuitų) bažnyčioje. 2014 metais koncerto pavadinimas „Skambančios